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about us

Kerala possesses an unbroken tradition of Ayurveda that has surpassed many invasions and intrusions both foreign and native. For hundreds of years the Ayurveda Vaidyas (traditional practitioners of Ayurveda) were almost the only solution for people seeking healing from every kind of disease in Kerala. The legendary eight families of Vaidyas (Ashta vaidyas) and their successors treated the entire state for centuries. Unlike the other Indian states the status of Ayurveda in Kerala is not that an alternative but is main stream. In fact, today, Kerala is the only State in India which practices this system of medicine with absolute dedication.
Being the only resort of treatment for the people, the Vaidyars of Kerala were challenged to interpret the theories of Ayurveda and adapt them actively into effective healing systems in everyday life. Thus almost all the contemporary procedures and protocols of Ayurveda have evolved in and around Kerala.

Fertility Tourism

Fertility Tourism is a growing worldwide phenomenon, which is an opportunity for couples who cannot have their babies. The stress of infertility is unavoidable and this could lead to depression in a loving relationship. In order to deal with this stress, medical tourism offers you the best and successful treatment for this situation.
What is fertility tourism?
It involves traveling to a foreign land in order to avail reproductive or fertility treatment. According to Guido Pennings, “Reproductive tourism is the travelling by candidate service recipients from one institution, jurisdiction, or country where they can obtain the kind of medically assisted reproduction they desire.”
Treatment Types
This may involve treatments or procedures like donor insemination and IVF.
Donor Insemination
It uses sperms from a donor to help the woman to conceive. In this procedure, the donor is screened for STDs or sexual transmitted disease. The sperm is placed into the neck of the cervix that helps a woman become pregnant.

IVF or In vitro Fertilization
The woman egg is fertilized outside the body in the process. This takes place in a situation when all the methods failed. During the procedure, the ovulatory process of a woman is monitored and eggs are removed then doctors let sperm fertilize in a fluid in a laboratory. After that, the fertilized zygote is cultured for two to six days before being transferred to the uterus of a woman in order to establish the pregnancy.